Sept 8 Final PLC for this term and elections

Posted by jwevans on Aug 27 2024 - 10:37am

On Sept 8 we will have our final PLC for this term from 5-6. All positions of responsibility should plan to attend an present (can be just a couple min verbal presentation) what you accomplished this term and what might be needed next term.

Service Hours

Posted by jwevans on May 1 2024 - 7:51pm

If you aren't going backpacking there are two service opportunity this Saturday. One is conservation hours doing soil restoration and the other is helping with Pack 12's Rocket Derby.

Service Hours - Volunteers needed for Pack 12 Rocket Derby

May 4 2024 - 9:00am
May 4 2024 - 12:00pm
Founders Memorial Park in Dripping Springs

Service Opportunity and Pack 12 Blue and Gold

Posted by jwevans on Feb 7 2024 - 1:44pm

The VFW Garden buildout is an opportunity to get service or conservation hours. Please plan to come on Feb 24 from 10-1. Stick around to welcome our crossover scouts from Pack 12 from 1-2.

Service Oppurtunity at Pease Park

Posted by jwevans on Aug 13 2024 - 8:10pm

We have a Service opportunity at Pease Park. There will be two registered adults present (with Chloe and Mei Mei) from 9:30-11:30. Please sign up using this link if you can attend:

Shirt Sizes and Summer Camp

Posted by on Nov 16 2021 - 3:23pm

Hello Troop 4443!

Please fill out the TWO events on the calendar for November 20, 2021. They include:

1. Tell us your shirt size so we know what size Class B shirt to order for scouts and adults. Register for the 'event' and put your shirt size in the notes.

Shoreline Stewardship - Soil Restoration at Longhorn Shores

May 4 2024 - 9:00am
May 4 2024 - 12:00pm
Longhorn Shores

SM Note: How do campouts get scheduled

Posted by jwevans on Aug 28 2024 - 11:47am

With annual planning coming up you may be wondering how do campouts get scheduled? How do we choose the dates and campsite reservations? The committee is responsible for making campout reservations.

SM Note: Period Products

Posted by jwevans on Aug 21 2024 - 10:47am

I think this has happened to everyone woman in scouting... your period comes unexpectedly or you forgot to pack supplies. Every scout and leader should pack the personal supplies they need but if you need period products the troop does have a stash in a bag in the SM box.

Solar Eclipse Patches

Posted by jwevans on Feb 14 2024 - 8:40pm

An email went out last week for ordering solar eclipse patches. I haven't gotten around to placing the order yet so if you want a patch but haven't ordered yet please use the link below and fill out the form: