PLC, Troop Meeting and Parent Meeting this Sunday

Posted by jwevans on Jul 31 2024 - 7:12pm

We will have a PLC meeting at 5 pm this sunday followed by the troop meeting and the parent committee meeting. We will be planning the campout at the narrows and discussing fall plans.

PLC/Troop Meeting/Committee Meeting

Posted by jwevans on Apr 10 2024 - 11:47am

This Sunday at 5 pm will be the PLC meeting and at 6 pm we will have a troop meeting and committee meeting. This is the planning meeting for the fishing campout so if you are attending please plan to attend the meeting.

Please send Mrs Vest what MBs you are a counselor for.

Posted by jwevans on Mar 6 2024 - 2:02pm

Mrs Vest is compiling a list of the MB counselors in our troop. Please email her a list of which merit badges you are a counselor for.

Pool Party Sign Up

Jul 31 2022 - 6:00pm
Jul 31 2022 - 7:30pm
VFW Post 4443

Popcorn Sign Up

Jul 31 2022 - 1:00am
Jul 31 2022 - 11:55pm

Pottery merit badge before Troop Meeting + Plan Backpacking Campout

Apr 28 2024 - 5:00pm
Apr 28 2024 - 7:30pm
VFW 4443


Sep 4 2022 - 6:00pm
Sep 4 2022 - 7:00pm

Recruiting Hangout

Mar 5 2022 - 3:00pm
Mar 5 2022 - 10:00pm


Posted by jwevans on Jul 31 2024 - 7:11pm

It is the time of year to start thinking about recruitment. Last year I used the website BeAScout to contact packs in the vicinity of the VFW, but its not the most efficient way to find contact information.


Posted by jwevans on Jul 24 2024 - 1:54pm

It is almost that time of year again where we welcome cub scouts and other interested 5th grade and up girls to visit with our troop. Do you know anyone who might be interested in joining us? Are you willing to help the troop reach out to cub scout packs and coordinate communication with perspective members? Plan to join the discussion at the next parent meeting or PLC meeting.